Ronnie Hall is the tiny fly guru.
When it’s time to get technical, he’s your man. Ronnie’s flies have been honed from decades of guiding. They are as elegant as they are effective. Beautifully proportioned and deadly simple, with carefully chosen materials.
Ronnie uses this Floating Baetis Nymph as as a dropper. It’s proven to carry its share of the water, even in sizes larger than #24!
I’d like to say thanks to the guys at The Fish Hawk for helping out and sharing their favorite flies. We’re lucky to have such a great fly shop and such a knowledgeable staff.
Louis Cahill Gink & Gasoline Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter!
Hi Louis
What is the body material, my english is not good enough to understand what Mr Hall says
It’s just a Blue Wing Olive dubbing. Any brand will work.