Accidental Fishing, Keep Your Gear Close

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I'm a firm believer in a well laid plan, so why has some of my best fishing been an accident? I guess it all started because I have a weak bladder. Anyone who has been on a road trip with me can tell you that. Be...

Glass Is Good!

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By Justin Pickett Oh, the world of fast fly rods…. They can be great tools. Some of my favorite rods are most definitely faster than your “average joe” rod. But what about for the beginning angler? Or someone trying to work the kinks out of their casting stroke?...

12 Tips For Epic Fly Fishing Trips On The Cheap

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You may be poor, but you don't have to fish like it. Some of the greatest fly fishing adventures I've taken have cost me the least. I love fishing in exotic locations and spending time at great fishing lodges. Who wouldn't? But that's a fairly recent...

Bruce Chard’s Double Haul Drill

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Today begins a special five part video tutorial on building blinding line speed. Line speed is the most important component in successful salt water fly fishing. There's plenty of finesse involved but line speed is the cost of admission. If you can't build the speed you...

Golden Dorado on the Fly Require a Mix of Skills

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By Louis Cahill There's nothing cooler than catching a new species on the fly. I recently had my first encounter with the golden dorado, a species I have coveted for some time. I hosted a group at the Parana On The Fly lodge with Andes Drifters...