Tag Archives: ronnie hall
Sunday Classic / Ronnie Hall’s Floating Baetis Nymph
When it's time to get technical, he's your man. Ronnie's flies have been honed from decades of guiding. They are as elegant as they are effective. Beautifully proportioned and deadly simple, with carefully chosen materials. Watch the video to see Ronnie tie the Floating Baetis Nymph...
Ronnie Hall’s Floating Baetis Nymph
When it's time to get technical, he's your man. Ronnie's flies have been honed from decades of guiding. They are as elegant as they are effective. Beautifully proportioned and deadly simple, with carefully chosen materials. Watch the video to see Ronnie tie the Floating Baetis Nymph...
How Social Media is Changing Fishing Pressure
Some would argue with me, but I think when you factor in the entire continental United States, trout streams as a whole are getting more crowded. Some of it has to do with population increases and the fact that many of our fisheries and their...