Dickey’s Mighty Mantis

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I WAS, FRANKLY, A LITTLE SHOCKED WHEN JOEL DICKEY DECIDED TO SHARE THIS FLY WITH US. I have fished Joel's Mighty Mantis for years and I can attest to its mojo. Friends, this fly works. It's the most productive bonefish fly I have ever fished and...

The Pregnant Scud: Tying Video

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By Herman deGala In the early 80’s I had a design professor by the name of Herb Kobayashi from Hawaii who tried to instill in us the concept of shibui. Shibui has no direct translation into English but describes the aesthetic of simplistic, elegant beauty not only...

Rob Smith’s Musky Sucker

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Rob Smith is nothing, if not colorful so when I asked him to tie a fly for my readers I expected something bodacious, and I got it! Rob likes his fish the way he likes his mustache, big and scary. He’s our local authority on...

Bruce Chard Ties The Gnarly Bandit

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SIMPLE IS OFTEN BEST. Our good friend Captain Bruce Chard is back today to prove it. Fishing guides need effective flies that will put their clients on fish but don't take hours to tie. Bruce calls these kind of flies,"guide flies." These flies have all of...


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It's already plenty warm by 6:00 AM. The hot pink band hugging the horizon and lighting up the water foreshadows the brain-baking heat that will be here any minute. It's going to be another brutally calm day in the Florida Keys. We're poling quietly down the...