Tag Archives: Fly Tying
The Economy of Wraps in Fly Tying
THE HALLMARK OF WELL-TIED FLIES IS NATURAL PROPORTION. This is never more true than when tying tiny trout flies. Trout are visual feeders and there are three primary criteria that a fly must meet to elicit a positive response. It must match the natural in size,...
The Basics of Dubbing
By Bob Reece What the beginning tyer needs to know about dubbing. Creating beautiful, well proportioned flies is a skill which takes time and practice to master. One of the least intuitive steps in the process is working with dubbing. The thousands of dubbing choices on the...
The Bowen’s Baitfish Minnow
HYBRID, WHITE AND STRIPED BASS ARE AGGRESSIVE PREDATORS AND CATCHING THEM HIGH IN THE WATER COLUMN CAN BE A WHOLE LOT OF FUN. These large bass are found in lakes all over the southeast. Early in the morning these feisty bullies will push schools of baitfish...
Dickey’s Mighty Mantis
I WAS, FRANKLY, A LITTLE SHOCKED WHEN JOEL DICKEY DECIDED TO SHARE THIS FLY WITH US. I have fished Joel's Mighty Mantis for years and I can attest to its mojo. Friends, this fly works. It's the most productive bonefish fly I have ever fished and...
Tarpon On The Clock
A Photo Essay By Joel Dickey It's 5:30 a.m. and my alarm pierces that beautiful thing, called sleep, which all guides miss so much this time of year. I jump out of bed and I'm quickly reminded I'm not 25 anymore. My joints pop and crack and...