Tag Archives: Gink and Gasoline
Fly Fishing Runoff Can Mean Fish On
by Johnny Spillane HAVE YOU EVER SHOWED UP AT A RIVER AND FOUND THAT INSTEAD OF THE CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER YOU WERE EXPECTING, YOU’RE STARING AT CHOCOLATE MILK? Here in the Rocky Mountain this is a relatively common experience. It can happen for a number of reasons,...
Fishing Mud Lines For Big Fish
By: Garner Reid MUD LINES ARE EXCELLENT PLACES FOR FISH TO HIDE. I split my guiding year in half, targeting trout from fall to spring and the rest of the year pursuing summer run striped bass in my local river systems. River run stripers offer their own...
Accidental Fishing, Keep Your Gear Close
I'm a firm believer in a well laid plan, so why has some of my best fishing been an accident? I guess it all started because I have a weak bladder. Anyone who has been on a road trip with me can tell you that. Be...
Some Days It’s All About the Twitch
Some days trout need more than just a well placed fly in their field of vision and a drag-free drift to persuade them to eat. When you're working water that you're certain holds trout, and a standard drag-free drift isn't getting the job done, try...
Glass Is Good!
By Justin Pickett Oh, the world of fast fly rods…. They can be great tools. Some of my favorite rods are most definitely faster than your “average joe” rod. But what about for the beginning angler? Or someone trying to work the kinks out of their casting stroke?...