I’m not afraid to admit I’m not a big fan of Czech nymphing.
I’m not an aficionado of the popular three-fly nymph rig either. It’s not the right rig for fly anglers that lack discipline or are daydreaming fly casters. Furthermore, a freshly tied rig can become a birds nest instantly, simply by a landed fish, rolling in the net. That being said, I’m not saying Czech nymphing doesn’t work, it undoubtedly has it’s place in trout fishing, and can be highly effective at times, it’s just not my first choice.
Here’s what I’ll admit and also highly respect about the die hard Czech nymph fisherman out there. Most are very good at approaching fishing holes with complete stealth so they don’t spook fish. They take the time to think out their approach before casting, making sure they’re positioned perfectly so they can execute the best presentation and drift with their flies. Why do they do this you ask? Because success in czech nymphing demands it. Fly anglers fishing this rig are limited to short distance casts and drifts. This ensures they’ll stay in constant contact with their flies for strike detection and will also be able to maintain proper fly depth during their drifts.
You’ll never see a veteran czech nympher fishing out of his/her boundaries, and that’s why we should be paying more attention and adopting some of their techniques into our everyday fly fishing practices. It doesn’t matter one bit whether you’re a dry fly purist or prefer to nymph fish with an indicator, like I do. Far too often, I see anglers making casts into trout water that’s way too far away from them, for the simple fact, that they’ve got enough distance in the bag to reach their target. Fish smart by choosing stealth and angler position over casting distance, and just like the czech nympher, learn to understand when it’s appropriate for you to move in closer before you make your first presentation. Adopting these practices will almost certainly make you a better fly fisher, and I guarantee you’ll bring many more fish to net.
Keep it Reel,
Kent Klewein Gink & Gasoline www.ginkandgasoline.com hookups@ginkandgasoline.com Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter!
Responding this am from Bar Harbor, ME, sitting along the foggy coast drinking a great cup of coffee and smelling sea air. I do not fish with more than one nymph typically. I sometimes get too wrapped up in the scenery. However, I do agree with you on fishing your zone and keeping things in stealth mode. I like to fish a section of water from edge to edge, even though the best looking water maybe out from the bank I start on. You will be surprised at how many and size of fish you will catch. It is also a goodpracticewhen your fishing with your friends. As we tend to jockey back and forth in the stream as we work it.
When asked “what is your favorite type of fishing?”. I invariably resopnd by saying “dry flies on small stream”. Considering what Kent mentioned in the article and what I have witnessed over 36 years of fly fishing, stealth and study are just about everything. Knowing how to spot a good lie and making a careful approach are prerequisite to fly selection and presentation. Lacking the former, the latter become superfluous, and that applies to any type of fly fishing.
Stealth and good positioning is equally important on the saltwater flats. Moving to a spot that will allow you to intercept the path of the fish and make a cast that is well within the limits of your ability makes all the difference. Casts from a bad position usually end up as Hail Marys.
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