Streamer Fishing For Trophy Browns: Is Your Streamer Big Enough?

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The other day I was talking with a friend about streamer fishing for trophy class trout. Specifically we were debating what's the best size streamer for catching trophy browns. My buddy confidently proclaimed the biggest of trout will eat a three inch streamer just as...

Fight Big Fish with the Butt Section of the Fly Rod Not the Tip

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If you fly fish long enough and pay your dues, it's just a matter of time until you hook into a giant fish and experience defeat. I've always loved the saying, "It's always the big ones that get away", like it provides anglers a viable excuse...

Easy Bug Sampling For Trout Fishermen Video

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Ever have one of those days where you just can't figure out what the trout are eating? Selective trout can make you crazy but there is a way to figure out for sure what they're keyed in on. Taking a stream sample is quick and easy...

Winter Fly Fishing – Midges 101

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Sometimes smaller flies mean bigger rewards. There's no doubt there are times when big flies are the ticket for catching big fish. However, when you find yourself fly fishing on technical trout water and the bite is extremely tough, in many cases, it can provide you...

Cicada Fly Patterns – 4 Gink & Gasoline Favorites

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I get asked the question all of the time what's my favorite place to fly fish? Some may find it weird but I always have a hard time answering that question. I've had the opportunity to fly fish so many unique and beautiful places in...