Swinging Streamers on Big Water

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By Kent Klewein MOST STREAMER FISHERMAN OUT THERE WOULD AGREE THAT POUNDING THE RIVER BANKS WITH A STREAMER WILL CATCH TROUT JUST ABOUT ANYWHERE. If you're willing to put in the time and hard work eventually you'll be rewarded with a big fish. During high water flows...

Choose Fly Color Based on the Flat You’re Fishing

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I've always thought in the broad scope of things that trout fishing calls for more complex decision making over saltwater fly fishing in terms of what goes into choosing the fly patterns we fish. I think a lot of that comes from the simple fact...

Wood is Good

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Anytime I come across any sort of wood on the water trout fishing, I always take the time to fish around it. Whether it's a log jam, isolated root ball, or low overhanging tree, wood offers trout cover and safety which are two very important elements...

Fight Big Fish with the Butt Section of the Fly Rod Not the Tip

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If you fly fish long enough and pay your dues, it's just a matter of time until you hook into a giant fish and experience defeat. I've always loved the saying, "It's always the big ones that get away", like it provides anglers a viable excuse...

10 Yellow Sally Fly Patterns That I Love

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When I think back on all the times I've fished Yellow Sally stonefly hatches over the years, I honestly can't remember ever having a bad fishing experience. If I can find them on the water, I usually have no problem getting trout to take my...