Sunday Classic / Elevate Yourself to Increase the Distance You Can High-Stick

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Most of the time when your fly fishing for trout, the last thing you want to do is elevate yourself. In most scenarios, that will usually do more harm than good, by increasing the chances of trout spotting you and spooking. Notice I said "most...

Don’t Fly Fish With One Arm If you Have Two

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BETTER HIGH-STICKING TECHNIQUE Now that I've got your attention, let's talk about how important it is when high-sticking a fly rod to always utilize both of your arms during your drift. Perfect line management while high-sticking, often boils down to managing inches of fly line and...

Fly Anglers Sixth Sense, Fact or Fiction?

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By Kent Klewein Do you ever feel like you've got a sixth sense working for you when you're out fly fishing? I'm talking about an extra sense that seems to give you the power and clarity to sense future fishing success moments before it happens. It doesn't...

Streamers Aren’t Just For Big Water

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FLY FISHING TO PICKY EDUCATED TROUT THAT GET POUNDED DAILY BY FLY ANGLERS, CAN GET MANY OF US FLUSTERED AT TIMES. It's easy to find ourselves following everyone else's lead on the water when it comes to pattern choice. Blue ribbon trout streams in Colorado come...

Sunday Classic / If You’re Not Looking For Trout, You’re Missing Out

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One of the things I always stress to my clients is the importance of always keeping an eye out for trout on the water. The first thing I do when I walk up to a prime piece of trout water, is take a minute or...