Some Days It’s All About the Twitch

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Some days trout need more than just a well placed fly in their field of vision and a drag-free drift to persuade them to eat. When you're working water that you're certain holds trout, and a standard drag-free drift isn't getting the job done, try...

Be Stealthy Like Czech Nymphers

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I'm not afraid to admit I'm not a big fan of Czech nymphing. I'm not an aficionado of the popular three-fly nymph rig either. It's not the right rig for fly anglers that lack discipline or are daydreaming fly casters. Furthermore, a freshly tied rig can...

Fish Every Cast!

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By Justin Pickett From the great casts and the perfect drifts, to the ugly presentations and the drowned dry flies, if those flies hit the water, let ‘em drift! Just about every day that I spend on the water with a client, I’ll find myself, at some...

Fly Fishing Tip: Mend Your Strike Indicator to Increase Your Drag-Free Drift

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IS THERE EVER A TIME, WHEN NYMPHING, THAT IT CAN BE BENEFICIAL TO LIFT THE STRIKE INDICATOR OUT OF THE WATER DURING A MEND? When I first started learning the art of mending fly line, I constantly struggled with keeping my striking indicator and dry fly...

Weight is Great

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Lot's of days, more weight means more fish. I've hesitated to write on this topic because it seems so elementary. Sort of a fly fishing truism but I've been encouraged lately after reminding several of my friends who are highly experienced anglers of this simple fact....