Gender Clarity in Fly Fishing

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By: Alice Tesar It’s not a secret that women fly fish. They’ve been fishing for as long as men. If you’re shocked by this, you may need to fish more. With this said, there are many campaigns and organizations encouraging more women to get into the sport....

I’ll Have The Fish

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Is Aquiculture Wrong? I got into a discussion with a friend the other day that put a burr under my saddle. We were talking about what fish is OK to eat and what isn't. Not in the way that I refuse to eat a catfish from...

Your Guide Is Your Dog

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I'm a big believer in DIY destination fishing, but I'm not a fool. I traveled with a good friend to the Florida Keys recently. It was my buddy's first time fishing the Keys. He's a great angler, resourceful and all about DIY fishing. He's turned me...

12 Tips For Epic Fly Fishing Trips On The Cheap

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You may be poor, but you don't have to fish like it. Some of the greatest fly fishing adventures I've taken have cost me the least. I love fishing in exotic locations and spending time at great fishing lodges. Who wouldn't? But that's a fairly recent...

The Geezer Hatch

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Ever heard the phrase, "the geezer hatch is on?" I've used it myself. It's a common way of saying there are a bunch of old dudes on the water. It's pretty common to hear younger anglers and guides grousing or making jokes about old guys who...