Category Archives: Fly Fishing Lifestyle
Fly-fishing and the Other Stuff That Gets Us Outside
By Daniel Galhardo I believe fly-fishing is first and foremost and excuse for us to spend time outside. And it is an incredibly good one. But, deep down it is truly nature, the environment where we find ourselves, that keeps us going out for more. Yes, I...
Tarpon On The Clock
A Photo Essay By Joel Dickey It's 5:30 a.m. and my alarm pierces that beautiful thing, called sleep, which all guides miss so much this time of year. I jump out of bed and I'm quickly reminded I'm not 25 anymore. My joints pop and crack and...
Calling After Water: Book Review
By Jason Tucker Dave Karczynski started out as a fiction writer. Luckily for us he discovered fly fishing. “From the moment I took it into my hands I knew that I was dealing with something amazing, something exceptional, something no legal schedule of plasma donation...
Can Fasting Make You A Better Angler?
Science is finding evidence that the ancient practice of fasting offers a host of mental health benefits. I’m starving. Quite literally. I’ve been on a pretty intense diet recently and as of today have lost 55 pounds in a little over four months. There are many...
The Masters of Hyperbole
"ARE THERE JUST A BUNCH OF LIARS AMONG US?" Hyperbole (hahy-pur-buh-lee) noun - An obvious or intentional exaggeration. An extravagant statement or figure of speech not meant to be taken literally, as in "to wait an eternity." Christmas or Thanksgiving, when I was a child, were about...