Category Archives: Fly Fishing Lifestyle
These Boots
By Justin Pickett Tossed in the back of my truck for the ride home, they find their place amongst my gear. Purchased for future fishy adventures, these boots will see their share of waterborne excursions. They are made of synthetics; rubber, nylon, plastic, metal. These boots wait for duty,...
A Truck Vault Can Make Your Truck The Bat-Mobile of Fly Fishing
IT'S HUMAN NATURE, I SUPPOSE, TO ADMIRE IN OTHERS WHAT YOU LACK YOURSELF. As I look at the chaotic pile of fly rods, reels and fly boxes in the corner of my office, I am not at all surprised that one of the things I admire...
Tear Up Your Fly Fishing Resume
By Louis Cahill Far too often it’s an angler’s self image that gets between them and the fish. In a recent article, I wrote about how I believe that, as a group, the fly fishing community doesn’t always do a good job as ambassadors of the sport....
The River Is Full Of Want
By Louis Cahill "I DON'T DESERVE THAT FISH. I DON'T DESERVE THIS DAY ON THIS BEAUTIFUL RIVER. I DON'T DESERVE TO FISH WITH THESE GOOD MEN." I wade out into the rushing water of the Dean, farther than I should. The cold of the water grabs me...
Don’t Hate the River
I was talking with a friend the other day about doing some fishing in Colorado, his home state. This is a good topic to bring up if you are trying to lure me into an extended conversation. Colorado is near to my heart. He was throwing...