Category Archives: Fly Fishing Lifestyle
Hard Driving
By Jason Tucker "A little humor folks" It’s Friday at last. You have worked hard, saved up, finagled the time off from job and family obligations for this trip and now it’s here. The bite is on, the vehicle is loaded and you are making the long trek...
John Gierach, A Remembrance
The first lesson John taught me was how to kill a chicken with a stick. It was far from the last. It was October fourth when I found out John had passed. Exactly one week after I had nearly died myself in the flood waters...
DIY Bahamas Bonefish, with the Family
PERHAPS THE MOST TECHNICAL FEAT IN FLY FISHING IS COMBINING A FISHING TRIP WITH A FAMILY VACATION. Leaving the wife or girlfriend behind, with or without a number of restless kids, while you slip away for a little fishing almost always ends in, what my brother...
Fly Fishing, No Pain No Gain
Have you ever felt like this when you got back to the truck after a long day of fishing? Giving it my all on the water is a trait I strongly believe in for my fishing and guiding. I always try to make a point to...
Imposter Syndrome on the Flats
By Tim Loonam Is faking it keeping you from making it? I’m standing on the deck of a Bair’s Lodge flats boat on South Andros and turn to look over my shoulder. There’s our guide, Gary, wearing that huge Bahamian smile with the ever-present cigar...