Tight Quarters Trout Fishing

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(WATCH OUR VIDEO THAT DEMONSTRATES THIS SCENARIO) If you've been fly fishing for a while, you've probably become pretty proficient at dropping your dry flies in tight quarters to catch trout that are either tucked in under foliage or holding tight to an undercut bank. What...

Check Your Fly Rig!

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By Justin Pickett The sun is only a faint glow below the horizon as it prepares to make its ascent into the sky. I launch my chunky, articulated offering into the twilight. Slicing through the fog, it lands mere inches from the bank. Soon, will come the moment of...

Keep a Backup Nymph Rig Ready

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Changing out flies on the water takes time but is often necessary to catch trout consistently all day. Keeping a pre-rigged tandem nymph rig ready to go, will allow you to quickly change out your flies from one hole to the next and save you critical...

Traditional Old-School Nymphs Catch Trout, Don’t Forget It

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Every year, I spend quite a bit of time scouring the interweb and flipping through numerous fly company catalogs, all in the effort to stay up to date with the latest new fly pattern creations. Many are just variations of already existing fly patterns, but quite...

8 Tips For Figuring Out The Trout

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How do you find and catch trout on days when there doesn’t seem to be much action? When the river looks like it’s boiling with rising trout and you’re having to wipe the BWOs out of your eyes just to tie on a fly, it doesn’t...