The Christmas Tree Fly

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Merry Christmas from Gink and Gasoline

It’s Christmas Eve. The stockings are hung, the children nestled in their beds, bikes and doll houses are assembled, gifts are wrapped, turkeys are stuffed, credit cards are maxed, and still, you have found a few minutes to look at Gink and Gasoline. God bless you, every one!

Here’s a little Christmas present from me and Kent, the Christmas Tree Fly. I started tying these years ago after a particularly strong batch of egg nog and one has graced my Christmas tree ever since. It’s not “hard core” or “bad ass”, but it always puts me in the Christmas spirit to tie one. I hope it works a little Holliday magic on you.

Kent and I both wish you all a safe and merry Christmas full of good times and good cheer with people you love and a New Year that’s full of big fish and good friends! If you’re lucky, and you’ve been very good, maybe that stocking will be filled with a little Gink and a little Gasoline!

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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12 thoughts on “The Christmas Tree Fly

  1. Thanks for sharing Louis! I got a kick out of this thing the first time I saw it. The star shaped bead really sets it off. My wife thought it was pretty cool too and is having me tie one up now. LOL. Hope you guys have a great Christmas and Santa brings what you asked for this year. Later fellas!

  2. Pingback: 10 Spectacular Christmas fly patterns for the holiday season

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