The Bowen’s Baitfish Minnow

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The Bowen’s Baitfish Minnow Photo by Louis Cahill

Hybrid, white and striped bass are aggressive predators and catching them high in the water column can be a whole lot of fun.

These large bass are found in lakes all over the southeast. Early in the morning these feisty bullies will push schools of baitfish to the surface and feed with abandon. This presents a great opportunity for the fly angler.

The water explodes as bid schools gorge themselves and you would think that any fly you put in the zone would get shredded but not so. Just like trout, keyed in on a hatch, these fish can be surprisingly selective. Fishing the right fly at the right depth is crucial. Anglers tossing top water baits are frequently frustrated with refusals, not realizing that the fish are feeding several inches below the surface. The splashes they see are the fish’s tails as they turn and dive.

Andy Bowen, owner of The Cohutta Fishing Co, has this scenario dialed in. Andy fishes a simple but effective baitfish pattern on an intermediate line. The intermediate line carries the fly to just the right depth and the silhouette of the fly triggers the predatory response. Andy generally out fishes the gear guys with this setup.

Here’s Andy to show you how he ties the Bowen’s Baitfish Minnow.

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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7 thoughts on “The Bowen’s Baitfish Minnow

  1. This looks to be a fly I shall add to my arsenal of flys for the pacific northwest. We have some lakes in Washington and North Idaho, not to mention the salt, that contain some large meat eaters that are just what this fly is made for, land locked Chinook Salmon, pike and steril triploid trout. Keep the patterns coming and I hope you get enough time to use some of these beauties!

  2. Pingback: Is 5-Minute Epoxy a Thing of the Past? | Gink and Gasoline, The Blog home of Kent Klewein and Louis Cahill-Fly Fishing photography, video, tips and news.

  3. Pingback: Ties of the week – Tim’s Moppet and Bowen’s Baitfish « Feather & Scale

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