DIY Fly Line Loop with Step-by-Step Instructions

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Most fly lines these days already come with welded loops at the ends for the easy attachment of backing and leaders. If you fish as much as I do though, eventually they get worn out and need to be replaced. Most anglers just use a...

The Bowen’s Baitfish Minnow

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HYBRID, WHITE AND STRIPED BASS ARE AGGRESSIVE PREDATORS AND CATCHING THEM HIGH IN THE WATER COLUMN CAN BE A WHOLE LOT OF FUN. These large bass are found in lakes all over the southeast. Early in the morning these feisty bullies will push schools of baitfish...

Fly Fishing, Always Have a Plan B

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Just about every fisherman out there is probably familiar with the saying, "never leave fish to find fish". I live religiously by this common sense fishing advice. It's saved my butt many days on the water guiding, and keeps me from straying away from productive...

Small Wonder, Middle Georgia’s Shoal Bass

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By Justin Pickett THE SETTING SUN IS WARM AT MY BACK AS I STAND AT THE REAR OF MY JEEP. I slip on my guard socks and wrench down on my boots until I’m happy with the fit. No need for waders today. The deep south humidity...

Spring Bass Tactics for Southern Appalachian Lakes

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Spring Bass Fishing Tactics for fly anglers interested in Southern Appalachian reservoirs.  There’s tons of lakes readily available for fly fisherman to catch bass throughout the Southern Appalachian region. Unfortunately, these lakes aren’t your two-acre farm pond in your backyard or subdivision that you grew...