My 2 Year Old Son’s First Day Fishing

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As I watched his determined face, and his eyes fixated on the bobber as he tried to pick out the subtle signs of a bite, that’s all it took to make me the proudest Dad on the planet. If a stranger would have walked upon us, they wouldn’t have guessed it was this little boys first time fishing. He looked right at home with that Zebco fishing rod in his hands, like he’d already fished with it a dozen times. As soon as he saw a bare hook, he was quick to tell Daddy re-bait the hook, and surprisingly, it took only a few minutes for him to learn that fishing was all about focus, patience, and most of all, fun. Those colorful 3-6″ bream were the coolest things my son had ever laid his hands on, and his tiny arms made them feel like giants on the end of his line.

He would have fished all day long in that hot summer heat without food or drink, if we would have let him. And when I thought he’d be cautious and hesitant about holding the fish he caught, he surprised me again by diving right in and yelling, “Let me hold the fish daddy”. Then he gave each fish a big sloppy Jimmy Houston kiss, and threw them back in the water saying, “bye bye fishy”. Both of us had the time of our lives that afternoon standing along the bank of that bream pond fishing together. The only downer of the trip was when I had to tell my son it was time to reel up the lines, and head back home. That’s when things turned sour real quick. He immediately went from all smiles to tears pouring down his cheeks. He gave me his best shot at persuading his Daddy to let him stay, and he chanted over and over, “l want to keep fishing daddy, I want to keep fishing”. I answered with, “I promise we’ll go fishing again very soon, I promise, but it’s time for dinner”.

For the first time since my son was born, and I’ve heard him cry, my heart has always ached, like someone stabbed me with a sharp object. I’ve gotten really used to rushing in and going into parent soothing mode. This time, however, I felt different. It took me a little while to figure out what was going on. Then I realized I wasn’t going into parent soothing mode because my son wasn’t hurt. He was just letting me know he loved fishing just like his Daddy. What a great feeling it was for a change to have a cry come from love not pain. We’ve been fishing a couple more times since, and it always ends the same way every time, with tears rolling down my son’s cheeks. The good news is, I’ve learned a trick to get rid of most of those tears. I now pack a bag of Skittles with me, and we share them in the truck on our drive back home. Hopefully we can move onto a more healthy substitute, like beef jerky down the road, but for now it’s going to have to do. I look forward to spending more time with my kids on the water and sharing the stories with all of you.

For now, I’d really like to hear about some fun fishing trips any of you have gone on recently with your own kids, siblings, nieces or nephews. I’m always looking for new species or places to take my kids fishing.

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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20 thoughts on “My 2 Year Old Son’s First Day Fishing

  1. I remember catching fish at an early age with my Dad. I am sure most of us do. There is something really magical about seeing and helping kids to catch fish. I guess it’s the completion of the cycle. I never had children but I help out at kids fishin days and with my nieces and nephews. Thanks for sharing your special moments.

    • [“There is something really magical about seeing and helping kids to catch fish. I guess it’s the completion of the cycle”]

      Jimbo you hit the nail on the head with that comment, so true. It’s a great feeling for sure to spend a day with a kid on the water. Keep teaching your nieces and nephews and they will love their Uncle and look up yo you or the rest of their lives.


  2. What a great morning read! I do not have any kids (yet) but have spent many evenings out on lakes with my good friends sons. So much fun seeing the excitement in their eyes. It’s always smiles all around from the time the boat launches to when the sun sets.
    I read this blog every day and have to say there’s not another one like it. Kudos to Kent and Louis for all the effort and creativity you put into your writing. The valuable information on here is endless.
    Please keep up the amazing work!

    • Nick,

      You put the biggest smile on my face when I read your comment. The fact is, we have the greatest fans in the world. You guys allow us the freedom to write about what moves and excites us and Louis and I are grateful for that. Thank you for being such a loyal reader and spreading the word about G&G.


  3. Kent:

    In our age of video games & other passive indoor “pastimes” that kids are into it is refreshing to see a young lad outdoors with his Dad learning to be a fisherman. You have planted a seed that will hopefully grow into a passion and a source of enjoyment such as you have.

    I have two grown daughters and the oldest was a tomboy from the get-go and still is. I fondly remember taking her fishing for the first time on a ranch pond that was full of perch & bluegills. My memories of the look on her face when she caught her first fish still brings a lump to my throat. Like your son, she didn’t want to quit and go home. She would have stayed out there on that pond fishing until the coyotes started howling at the moon!

    Now she is a grown married woman and she still loves to fish and can darn sure out fish me and her husbands on most days. Maybe one of these days there will be yet another generation of little Irish bred anglers that she and her husband can take fishing and perpetuate the family tradition.

    From an “older” dad to an obviously younger dad, thanks for taking the time to be a good Dad to that bright eyed young lad!

    • Jeff,

      I’ve got a daughter that’s going to be born in the next few days. I am so excited to hear you got your girls into fishing. Hope my daughter will like to tag along with the boys as well.
      Thanks for such a nice comment and glad you enjoyed the post today. It’s a little different from what I usually write.


  4. I recently went out fishing with my colleagues at my boss’s pond, it is the best bonding time. Although Brizzie, my Australian shepherd, kept us from catching anything due to her trying to catch her own fish! This story is so great to read to help remind you to enjoy every special moment you get to spend with family, friends, and pets.

    • Whats up Tara,

      So great to hear from you. We all need to get together soon to hang out. It’s so cool you took the time to check out the blog today. Means a lot.

      Our new addition to the family will be here very soon. I will send photos.


  5. Some of the best exposure that fishing gets on a national level is all the tutorials on “How to Get Your Kid Outside”. Even sources that traditionally would have accused fishing of being cruel are admitting that catch-and-release fishing is a great way to introduce nature to children.
    I feel like that provides a great chance for anglers to prove that we are true stewards of the environment. And what a fun way to help save the world… taking kids fishing!

    • James,

      Right on man. I’m riding in the car with wife and my boy now and he’s asking me right this moment when we’re going fishing again. It’s a beautiful thing. Thanks for the comment.


    • You got to love a kid that won’t take the time to get out of his pajamas before he goes fishing. Ha Ha.

      Thanks for the comment Mike. Headed over to your website now.


  6. First… Those pants are PIMP!

    Nice stuff. I have three daughters all love their alone time with daddy and fishin. We started them off with cane poles on the family farm pond. Graduating to zebcos out of the drift boat on a local crappie lake. Now my oldest is a true fly fisher. She fished every major hatch in Pennsylvania this year. I wouldn’t trade those days in for anything. Check my blog here for more:

    • Dave,

      It thought some of you would get a kick out of my son’s outfit. Yes, it is pimp, Ha. Glad you found the post today about my son’s first fishing trip. I just checked out your blog and read about the year of great fly fishing hatches you spent with your daughter. That is freaking PIMP my friend. It is so cool to hear that you started them out with cane poles and now your oldest can totally hold her own on the water with a fly rod. I so am looking forward to doing that with my kids. It’s funny how you spend great lengths of your life fishing on your own and then you feel like you’re totally reborn when you bring your kids into the sport. Good stuff, for sure. I look forward to seeing more of the fly adventures with your family. Thanks for the comment.


  7. Looking forward to seeing Ms. Sadie catching some fish. With Jack and Sadie both fishing, keeping those lines baited will be tons of fun. If you run out of places ya’ll came come to my pond as I’ve promised.

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