G&G Presents The Oskar Blues “Take a Pinner Fishing” Photo Contest

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It's a Pinner  Photo by Louis Cahill

It’s a Pinner Photo by Louis Cahill

Don’t put those cameras away just yet, it’s time for The Oskar Blues “Take a Pinner Fishing” Photo Contest!

Even though we just finished up the G&G Fly Fishing Photography contest and haven’t even announced the winners, we are kicking off another awesome contest where you can put your creative eyeballs to work winning you some great gear. This one is sponsored by Oskar Blues, Americas greatest fishing beer, Cheeky Reels and TFO Rods and there’s a twist!

We’re looking for the coolest, most creative fishing photos you can take featuring a can of the new Oskar Blues Pinner Throwback IPA. This shouldn’t be difficult. Pinner is the perfect boat-beer and it can only help with the inspiration!

Pinner_6pk_no_bg“How do you cram as much hop & malt flavor and aroma as possible into a beer but make it crushable too? That’s the challenge we answered with PINNER Throwback IPA. At 4.9% ABV and 35 IBUs, this drinkable IPA uses several varieties of hops to target the ever-evolving flavor. With tropical fruits, citrus juices, pineapple and spice berry up front in the aroma and flavor, the biscuit & toasted bread at the back balance out all the hops and make a great finish to go on to your next can of PINNER. It’s the perfect beer for a little sip, sip, give.”- Oskar Blues


There are 3 categories and some awesome prizes for each.

Best photo featuring a Trout or Bass wins a Cheeky Boost 350 Reel

Best photo featuring a Carp, Muskie, Pike or Saltwater species wins a Cheeky Boost 400 reel

Best Lifestyle shot (no fish in the photo) wins a Dales Pale Ale custom Logo TFO 5wt 8’9 finesse series rod

3 runners up get a Pinner hat.

Red Reel 4 Blu Reel 4 finesse_main timthumb.php

Here’s all you have to do to win!

Step 1: Get yourself as much ice cold Pinner as you can carry!

Step 2: Fish, drink, repeat.

Step 3: Whip out the camera and be awesome!

Step 4: Post your photos on Instagram with the hashtags, #fishwithpinner @oskarblues @ginkandgasoline @cheekyflyfishing @tforods. That’s a lot but you can just copy and past it.

Step 5: This is important! Show us some love by following us on Instagram! @oskarblues, @ginkandgasoline @cheekyflyfishing.

Step 6: Get your entries posted by March 31st.

That’s it! The winners will be chosen by the sponsors, prizes will be shipped directly from sponsors, the contest is open to anyone and you do not have to be sober to enter. Get out there and have some fun!

Please fish responsibly!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “G&G Presents The Oskar Blues “Take a Pinner Fishing” Photo Contest

  1. Hmmmm. at 74++ I don’t even know what instagram is and not sure I want to….as don’t Face etc. BUT I have pix I want to enter in contest. How do we resolve that?? grampus

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