12 Tips for Taking Awesome Fishing Photos

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WANT TO TAKE BETTER FLY FISHING PHOTOS? Just the other day one our Facebook followers asked if I would post some tips for taking better fishing photos. I've written a good bit on the subject, but the articles are scattered across the site. I thought this...

Careful Where You Point That Thing

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TOOTHY AND GENERALLY ILL TEMPERED, BARRACUDA ARE A BLAST TO CATCH ON THE FLY. Their vicious attack is almost unbelievable to watch. My buddy Andrew Bennett holds a nice one here for a sub-surface hero shot. The Bahamians eat them. Barracuda are generally not edible because they...

Black and White Bahamas

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The Bahamas are beautiful, even without the stunning colors. One of the things I love the most about fly fishing in the Bahamas are the stunning colors of the flats. I never grow tired of scanning that beautiful horizon. Still, over the years I have taken...

Getting the Hero Shot When You’re fishing Solo

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"HOW DO PHOTOGRAPH MY FISH WHEN I'M BY MYSELF?" I get this question all the time and I wince every time because I know there are many guys doing great harm to fish in an effort to capture the moment. I know because I was once...

Wiggle Bug For Silver Salmon

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Who doesn't love watching a big silver salmon rushing towards a fly and crushing it? I'll tell you who, an Alaskan guide who's already unhooked three dozen of them for the day. I used to really enjoy guiding first time silver clients in Alaska. You wouldn't believe...