Saturday Shoutout / Skiff Republic

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If you haven’t seen Skiff Republic its well worth your time.

A truly different fishing blog Skiff Republic has its roots in the love of boats for fishing but offers fishing news and points of interest I don’t see any where else.  This great video of Joan Wulff from the 1960s is priceless! Joan takes an air boat ride through the Everglades, catches a huge bass and cooks it up for the kids.  It’s cheesy fun but also great to watch Joan work her magic! She is as cool today as she was in the Madmen era.


Photo by Tim Romano

We’re going to flash back a couple of weeks.

We got a lot of positive feedback two weeks ago on our shout out to Tim Romano.  I got an email from Tim this week about a project he just wrapped up for Trout Unlimited. It’s an effect to protect the Green River from Development.  The Green holds a special place in my heart and it’s too precious a resource to loose. Check out Tim’s slide show from the Green and get involved in the effort!


Oh, and check out the Gink and Gasoline Andros South trip!  It’s going to kick some serious ass!!!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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One thought on “Saturday Shoutout / Skiff Republic

  1. Thanks for the words with Tim Romano. If you have seen Tim’s pic’s, you know it’s an amazing place to fish. More info on how you can help at Sportsmen for the Green’s Facebook page.

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