Saturday Shoutout / Romano Rocks My World

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Photo by Tim Romano

I probably don’t talk enough about other photographers.

The truth is, I don’t really pay much attention to other photographers. Not because I’m a snob or anything. I just find my inspiration in other places.

This week, however, I want to showcase a guy that I do find inspirational. Tim Romano likely needs no introduction. He’s everywhere. Blogging for Field and Stream, editing Angling Trade and showing up in every kind of fly fishing media. Tim is the guy with ten jobs!

He has one of the freshest and most creative eyes in the fly fishing world. That description is way too small. Tim would be one of the best eyes in what ever he choose to shoot. We are just lucky that he loves fly fishing. Tim captures the feel and the essence of the fly fishing experience in a natural way that I find beautiful and enviable.

His recent work from Bristol Bay, Alaska is some of the best I’ve seen.

Check it out!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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6 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / Romano Rocks My World

  1. I’ve seen his pictures before and have to say he is a super talented photographer, but when I look at his pictures I’m more like damn that’s a good photograph. On the other hand I have to give you the nod on this one. When looking at your photographs I get more of a ” I want to be THERE” type feeling. You capture more of the moment and environment to me. It gets my adrenaline pumping. Keep it up. Some of the best still fish porn I’ve ever seen.

  2. Great shots for sure!! Tim has an awesomely creative eye, and in my limited dealings with him, I’ve found him to be one heck of a nice guy as well. More than worthy of a shout-out for certain!

    BTW – best of luck on that book project! Will keep my eyes peeled…

  3. Pingback: Saturday Shoutout / Skiff Republic | Gink and Gasoline, The Blog home of Kent Klewein and Louis Cahill-Fly Fishing photography, video, tips and news.

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