Saturday Shoutout / Winter Run

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This video has me fired up for some winter steelhead.

Winter steelheading is the undiscovered territory of the soul, the place where your doubts, your insecurities and just maybe your greatest joy goes to hide. It will make you question your resolve and your sanity. When you’re back at home by the fire it will pluck at your heart until you can’t think of anything else.

This great film by Todd Moen features my good friend Jeff Hickman. Having stood with Jeff in this very river on snowy days, holding the tail of a chrome bright fish, it makes my heart ache. I hope it has the same effect on you. Jeff and I are already booking our Deschutes River Steelhead Canp for next Sept. Shoot me an email if you’re interested and I’ll get you more info. We’d love to put you on some chrome, and it will be much warmer!

Enjoy, “Winter Run”

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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