Faith and Steelhead

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by Tim Harris I just returned from my first real steelhead trip to the Deschutes in a couple of years. I had to miss out all of last two summer seasons due to illness though I did manage a few days last winter where I actually...

For Steelhead, The Swing Is The Thing…Or Is It?

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WHEN SWINGING FLIES FOR STEELHEAD, HOW IMPORTANT IS MANAGING THAT SWING? It seems like a simple question. I know how I feel about it, but when you start talking to folks about it you get surprisingly different opinions. I've been told it doesn't matter and I've...

Dreaming of Steelhead

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I WOKE THREE TIMES LAST NIGHT DREAMING THAT I WAS FISHING FOR STEELHEAD. Not epic, fish hoisting, hero shoting, steelhead fishing but, ass backwards, pointless, penitent steelhead fishing. Swinging tiny flies on floating lines in the turbid, chocolate waters of spring run off (and this is...

Good Indications

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I VAGUELY REMEMBER THE DAYS BEFORE STRIKE INDICATORS. I don't know for sure when the first fly fisherman looked over at a bait fisherman using a bobber and decided that he couldn't beat 'um and it was time to join 'um, but I do remember when...

The Bobber Conundrum

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THE OTHER DAY I RECEIVED THIS EMAIL FROM A READER. *** "Just wanted to bring up an issue that has been eating at my soul for years! I just can't wrap my arms around the thought of using a bobber. That being said, I know that when...