Tight Line Presentation Video

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Photo by Louis Cahill

Photo by Louis Cahill

By Louis Cahill

In fly fishing slack is always a bad thing.

One of the most common mistakes I see anglers make, when flats fishing, is presenting the fly with slack in the system. If your fly doesn’t have a lifelike look, it’s just another piece of trash to the fish. Even when the fly is sitting still, a tight line keeps it looking alive and tasty. It’s crucial that you come tight to your fly immediately.

There are a couple of things that most beginning saltwater anglers do wrong. The most obvious is failing to turn over the leader. Especially when casting into the wind. The only cure for this is consistent practice.

A practice drill I like for this is to set out a target on the lawn or in the water and make repeated casts to the target, with no false casting. Just pick the line up and put it back on the target. To consistently hit the target, your leader has to turn over fully every time. It’s great practice.

Another very common mistake it to hold the rod tip too high. When you make a presentation cast in saltwater, the tip of your rod should drop into the water. The water tension creates a zero slack dynamic, which will move the fly on the first strip.

Watch this video for more tips on making a good tight line presentation.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Tight Line Presentation Video

  1. Great drill that I practice often. A friend told me it works even better with bright orange line – which is what I now use.

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