Developing Your Target Picture Means Catching More Fish

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What does skeet shooting have to do with fly fishing? MORE THAN A DAY OF CAST AND BLAST, FOR SURE. Target picture is a term skeet shooters use to describe the visual cue a shooter uses to tell him when to fire. Since the shooter is leading...

A Short Quick Cast

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By Bruce Chard MANY FLY ANGLERS THINK, IN ORDER TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THE SALT, YOU NEED TO HAVE A GREAT DISTANCE CAST. That can be true on a calm day when all fly anglers struggle to add another 5-10ft on their cast. But in reality the...

The Fight Isn’t Over When You Get a Tarpon Boat-Side

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Catching a tarpon on the fly is a feat most fly fishers dream about but never experience. Some fly anglers get lucky right out the gates, but for most of us, catching one of these beasts on the fly often takes several trips to accomplish....

The Bow Clock

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If you can't communicate with your guide, you're fishing blind. Communication is the key to successful saltwater fly fishing. Flats fishing with a guide is a team sport, and like all team sports, The team must work together to win. Your guide has a couple of...

4 Tips For Stocking Bonefish Flies

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If you're planning your first bonefish adventure it's really important that you stock your saltwater fly box with a well rounded selection of fly patterns. Although bonefish aren't known for being super selective feeders, stocking the right flies and knowing which pattern to fish in different...