There’s No Such Thing As A Bad Perm

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Let's Add A Happy Little Perm Photo by Louis Cahill (mostly)

Let’s Add A Happy Little Perm Photo by Louis Cahill (mostly)

You know what they say. There are no small permit.

Just permit, and big permit.

Permit enjoy the reputation of being the toughest fish there is, at least to catch on the fly. On my last trip to the Keys I was living proof. I got some legitimate shots at some nice perms and was blanked for five days on the water. I even got some ridiculously good shots at some little rats who buzzed all over my fly to no purpose.

That’s permit fishing. You can get shots and do everything right and still come away without a fish. In some perverse way, I guess that’s what makes it fun. It’s all about timing. It’s all about getting the right shot at the right fish at the right time. Permit are a harmonic convergence.

My buddy Joel Dickey was very harmonic that week. While I was blanked, Joel landed four permit in four days. All between eighteen and thirty pounds. Some people just have to show off. I’d have been happy with a bluegill-size fish. Because there’s no such thing as a bad perm.

Really, I’m happy for Joel. So happy I decided to put Bob Ross’s head on him for the hero shot.

Happy perms and happy clouds. If you can’t catch permit, you can always drink.

Here’s Bob Ross to teach you how!

The Bob Ross Drinking Game

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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5 thoughts on “There’s No Such Thing As A Bad Perm

  1. Bob Ross rocks! Your day could totaly and utterly suck and Bob can and will paint you a happy little cloud to float you through the rest of your day.The next time I fish, I’m going to make some happy little splashes.Man, I feel so mellow. Happy fishing and God bless

  2. HAHA. Dude I used to watch Bob Ross every morning at my grandmother’s house! He sure can paint the shit out of some trees. Can you believe he was a drill instructor in the military at one point? Anyways…..
    That’s one helluva Permit!!!

  3. I got a perm on Oct. 10th – I waited two days to wash my hair so the perm would hold then washed it again after 2 more days and 75% of the perm is gone.

    Of course, I was upset! My stylist recommended the Shielo Intensive Hair Mask – its a deep conditioning treatment because my hair was dry. My hair looks 100 times better! It made the perm come back a little more, it’s not perfect but it looks a whole lot better and I feel a lot better too. I will always have this Shielo product around next time i get a perm – its a saver!

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