Sunday Classic / South Andros, A Love Story

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Images of Andros all Photos by Louis Cahill

I love the Bahamas. It hits me about this time every year. Just about the time I start pulling out the polar fleece and looking for my fishing gloves I start thinking about Andros. I love the cold weather, it’s not that, it’s just become a rhythm for me.

This is the time of year I start thinking about bonefish and gully wash (the coconut milk rum and gin based fire water the locals drink). I start to crave conch salad and that sweet Bahamian bread.


I think about warm breezes and cool sand when I should be thinking about migrating brown trout. I start checking over my bonefish gear when I should be prepping my Spey set up. I find myself looking at the weather for Andros when I should be planning my steelhead trips.

I think about my friends there at Andros South and the friends I’ve made fishing there who live all over. Some of them even get a phone call. “Hey, what’s up? Done any good fishing lately? Going to the Bahamas this year?”. The other day I even bought a bunch of saltwater tying material. You never know, right? I got some leader material too. Better safe than sorry.

It’s almost November and I’m making rum drinks while all my friends are settling into dark winter beers. I imagine they talk about me behind my back like I was a fool hopelessly in love with a girl who doesn’t know he exists. “Wake up dreamer, it’s not gonna happen”.

Well, the world needs dreamers. I’m booking my ticket tonight. Try not to hate me.


There’s still time to get in on the Andros South trip Jan 26 – Feb 2.

Just follow the link below for more info.

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “Sunday Classic / South Andros, A Love Story

  1. I don’t totally hate you Louis, but that sounds like a stellar trip for sure! Just head on up to the Buffalo area for some steelheading, you won’t even have to do the planning or the fly prep as long as you slot me in to the Andros trip!

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