Limay River Video

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By Louis Cahill I don’t know of a more magical river than the Limay in Argentine Patagonia. It’s a big river, full of big trout, and almost no one there. It’s a rare day when we see a boat that’s not part of our group. Llamas graze...

12 Tips For Epic Fly Fishing Trips On The Cheap

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You may be poor, but you don't have to fish like it. Some of the greatest fly fishing adventures I've taken have cost me the least. I love fishing in exotic locations and spending time at great fishing lodges. Who wouldn't? But that's a fairly recent...

Persistence Pays In Silver and Brown

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By Justin Pickett Pulling up to today’s lunch spot was a little more eventful than usual. A morning filled with hopping from spot to spot on a panga-style boat, named Ms. Suzy, had left us starving for a solid meal and a cold beer. The day’s...

Don’t Hate the River

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I was talking with a friend the other day about doing some fishing in Colorado, his home state. This is a good topic to bring up if you are trying to lure me into an extended conversation. Colorado is near to my heart. He was throwing...

The Perfect Gamefish

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By Justin Pickett All hype aside, golden dorado may be the perfect gamefish. Prior to my trip to Parana On The Fly Lodge, I had my own preconceived ideas of what fishing for Golden Dorado might be like. Everyone knows they have teeth. You’ve no doubt seen...