Fish The Bahamas and Take Home Some Sweet Gear

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We have exciting news. The date is set for the Gink and Gasoline 2014 South Andros Bonefish Trip!

March 22nd – 29th is your chance to hang out with the G&G crew at the Andros South Bonefish Lodge. Eat some great food, drink some rum and experience the best bonefishing anywhere. Kent and I will be teaching the skills needed to catch bonefish including a Bonefish 101 for beginners, fly tying and more. We are dedicated to making this the best fishing trip you have ever taken.

But wait…It gets better!

This year we will be joined by the boys from Simms and they will be bringing every angler on the trip a package of bad ass 2014 Simms flats wear! That’s right, free Simms gear for everybody. How could it get any better than that?


One lucky angler, chosen at random, will take home a brand new Thomas and Thomas saltwater fly rod! That’s an $850 rod and let me tell you, it is sweet.

You don’t want to miss this trip!

Shoot us an email to and let us know you want in on the action ASAP.

You can find all of the details including cost and travel (HERE)

We would like to thank Simms and Thomas and Thomas for their generosity, their support and their enthusiasm. They are the best of the best and we are proud to see our names along side theirs.

Come on guys, let’s go to the Bahamas!

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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One thought on “Fish The Bahamas and Take Home Some Sweet Gear

  1. One word…. Wicked!!!! Gonna be thinking of some fundraising activities… legal ones… I imagine this trip will fill up quick!

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