Camera Care in Saltwater

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Camera Cleaning Kit (liquor not included)

Camera Cleaning Kit (liquor not included)

My cameras take a beating.

On a trip to the Deschutes I dunked my Nikon D300s so badly that when I took the lens off, water poured out of the body. I was sure it was done but I pulled the battery out and set it in the sun and after a few hours it came back to life. The lens needed repair but the body seems fine.

I’m not recommending that you take your camera for a swim but good quality DSLRs like Nikons and Canons will take a lot of punishment. The one thing they can not take is salt water. I got away with a little dunk in the Deschutes but the salt spray and even the air in the Keys or the Bahamas can be deadly.

When I’m working around salt water I take great pains cleaning my gear. It only takes a few minutes but this ritual can save you a bundle. Your camera is an investment that’s worth protecting. Besides, it’s likely to die just when you’re trying to get a photo of your first thirty inch trout or hundred pound tarpon.

Check out this video. It’ll show you how I handle my camera cleaning and maintenance when I’m shooting in the salt.

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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14 thoughts on “Camera Care in Saltwater

  1. I had a buddy who was a scuba diving and photography fiend, how you are with fishing and photos. Takes photos on the boat very often, commonly down near the spray of the wake, so constant care for the camera was a necessity. Working as a boat mate one day, I watched him step off the boat, take 10 steps, fall on his back and squash his lense beyond repair. Moral of the story: Watch out for the wet concrete in the tropics, all the care in the world won’t protect you from a bad step.

    • Like everybody else my iPhone is full of photos and video but just for fun. I did use it 2 years ago when we blogged live from IFTD. That was interesting. We posted everything from my phone.

  2. To get water out of your camera. First remove the battery then place the camera in a bag of rice making sure you cover it.

    The rice will draw out all the moisture. I know from experience mine went swimming twice

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