Sunday Classic / The CDC Blood Midge

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Photo by Louis Cahill

Photo by Louis Cahill

Midge patterns can be remarkably effective for trout.

Depending on how you count them there could be over a thousand species of midge. That’s a lot of choices for the discerning trout. There are almost as many choices for the angler and a midge obsession can easily get out of hand.

I find that more times than not a Blood Midge will do the trick. I spent a morning on the Colorado River one April and caught twenty-four brown trout on a blood midge without moving my feet. Trout are naturally attracted to these red patterns even when they are not an exact match for the naturals. I’ve tied many different Blood Midge patterns but my current favorite is the CDC Blood Midge. The power of CDC can not be overestimated. This is a great pattern and very easy to tie.

Watch the video and learn hoe to tie The CDC Blood Midge.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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2 thoughts on “Sunday Classic / The CDC Blood Midge

  1. Years ago I bought a “professional level” bottom sampler. Two spring-loaded clamshell halves which dig into a lake bottom and trap a sample about the size of your hands. Most of the time, when you strain out the mud from a sample, there would be a mass of wiggling blood worms remaining giving a truly astounding number of chironomids present as potential trout food.

  2. Louis…got curious about the use of “red” in the above midge…looked at some other articles about what colors trout see…found your 2014 article…questions: did you try other colors in the above pattern? how deep were you fishing? how bright was your day? … all questions that might relate to “red” being effective…will definitely add some small, red flies in our arsenal, but remain curious about when to use “red”… love to hear more…

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