Saturday’s Shoutout / Fly Fishing Guide Trevor Covich

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This week’s Saturday Shoutout we showcase Trevor Covich, a veteran Alaskan fly fishing guide at Alaska West. Trevor recently put together a really cool fly tying video about one of his signature sculpin patterns. We also have provided links for two other fly fishing articles written by Trevor that we think you’ll find very informative. I hope one day I’m able to fish with Trevor. I know I could learn a great deal from him.

Tying Trevor’s Sculpin

Trevor’s Tips for Fishing Sculpin Patterns From Alaska to Chile – (Explaining where to fish sculpins, when to fish them and how to fish them)

Trevor Covich’s Silver Salmon Fly Fishing Rig (Explains what gear you’ll need to tackle Silver Salmon, how to rig for them and prestantion and fly selection)

Thanks for tuning into Gink & Gasoline this Saturday and we hope all of you have a great weekend.

Keep it Reel,

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Saturday’s Shoutout / Fly Fishing Guide Trevor Covich

  1. Great shout out to a really great guy! I spent several days on the K-toc with “T” a few years back swinging flies for Chinook, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that he is fantastic guide, one of those rare individuals that you immediately feel comfortable around, and who make an indelible impression. Having found out recently from another guide buddy that he is doing some guiding on the OP, I’ll be looking him up shortly to reconnect as I live in Washington State. Hope you’re able to hook up with him one of these days!

    • Steve,
      Thanks for the kind words mate! Chasing chinook still is an obsession like steelhead luckily, I still get my fix every year. Look me up if you want to chase some fish Steve, it’s always nice to reconnect with folks from the past. I’m off to the sandy river in Ak tomorrow for steelhead season, November I guide the meathow river then the Olympic peninsula Dec-April. E-mail is OPFLYGUY@ GMAIL.COM.
      Thanks again Steve. T

  2. very cool fly… but how to attach the articulating trailer hook? with color variations I can see this being a great redfish fly too!

    • Ron, if you are using fire line just pass the loop through the eye of the hook , front to back. Pass loop then around the bend of the hook then pull tight. If your using intruder wire its much harder to get through the eye of the trailing hook. you need a piece of monofilament about 8- 10 inches, pass mono through the loop on the intruder wire, fold over so the tag ends of the mono are together. Then run ends of mono through the eye of the size 4 octopus hook then pull the intruder wire through.

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