Reece’s Clearwater Crawler

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By Bob Reece

The Clearwater Crawler provides an anatomically accurate imitation of the prevalent gills found on the abdomen of this class of mayfly nymphs.

In addition to this the thorax of this pattern displays a translucent quality seen in the naturals as they carry out their lives on the stream bottom.  The reflective base of the thorax displays a trait seen in crawlers on the verge of emergence.  The vast majority of nymphs employ dubbing in the thorax of the pattern.  This allows them to display reflectivity, or dull mottled coloration but not translucence.   My choice of materials and processes allows this pattern to present both of these attributes simultaneously.  This vastly increases effectiveness in term of fish brought to net.

2016-03-01 18.11.39 (1)-1 During the summer and fall I guide on the freestone portion of the North Platte River.  The latter half of our season is usually defined by increasingly low water conditions that result in easily spooked, picky trout.  As with the vast majority of free stones, crawler type mayfly nymphs are a common food item for trout in our waters.  I needed a crawler nymph pattern that could be carefully analyzed by trout in clear slow water and still be accepted as the real deal.  After countless tweaks and changes I found a design that was taken without hesitation.  Throughout the second half of summer and into the latest reaches of fall this pattern produces fish as at high level of consistency.  The pattern shown in the video is a size 12 which I most commonly use during the summer months.  However, as summer fades and fall progresses I drop in size down to the smaller size 16s in this pattern.

Here’s a video.

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To purchase custom made tying material kits for the Fusion nymph and other patterns click on the link below.

Bob Reece
Gink & Gasoline
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