Sunday’s Classic / Wood is Good

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Wood is Good Photo by Louis Cahill

Anytime I come across any sort of wood on the water while trout fishing, whether it’s a log jam, isolated root ball, or just a low overhanging tree, I always take the time to fish around it. Wood offers trout cover and safety which are two very important elements that trout search out when they’re deciding where to position themselves in a river or stream. Wood also in many cases offers current breaks, eddies, and soft seams, all of which allow trout to feed more easily, while adding a extra degree or two of safety from the cover it provides. Furthermore, there’s an incredible amount of food that hangs out amongst wood, that very often falls off of and into the water, and next, ends up in the stomachs of trout. All of the above make wood prime habitat and magnets for trout.

Did I mention that brown trout love to hangout around wood? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught nice brown trout around wood, especially when deep water is located near by. And don’t even get me started about how productive it is fishing flesh flies in Alaska around all the loaded down, salmon carcass wood snags. Back in the day, when I guided there, we used to take all our freshly filleted salmon at the end of the day and dump them into wood snags in the river. Overtime, it would create epic honey holes from the huge rainbows that would take up residence for the easy pickings. When the opportunity to fish wood arises, always present your flies alongside it, and you may end up with a big trout hook-up. That’s why you’ll catch me singing “Wood is Good” on the river.

Keep it Reel,

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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7 thoughts on “Sunday’s Classic / Wood is Good

  1. So true, Kent. Great post.

    I have gotten some of my nicest fish on sunken logs. Sunken logs are so important for habitat on our N. Ga. rivers and streams that our TU volunteers actually cut down trees with the USFS and create structures for brookie habitat on small streams. Well-place logs redirect current to create holding lies, depth and cover and are anchored with rebar so they will not move.

    • Ralph,

      I am going to have to volunteer my time in the future to work with you on some of the TU rehabilitation on our streams. It’s such a great feeling when we give back to our home waters. Cheers to you for all your hard work.


      • Thanks Kent. Younger hands would be a welcome addition. 😉

        It is fun and a chance to give back at the same time. Plus you see some new trout water and get to meet and work beside and talk with some great folks. I met Dan Flynn working on Little Rock Creek, for example.

  2. Kent you hit all the key points perfectly. If fly fishing were a formula; shelter and a way to gather food would be in the equation. Mix in something floating by that looks natural and your odds of hooking up are a lot higher. Now if we could figure out how to stop hooks from sticking in that wood life wood be grand. As always Thanks & keep the posts coming!

    • David,

      I feel you on the snagging part. You got to get dangerously close sometimes with your fly to that wood to coax a fish out to eat. Let me know if you find a way to keep that from happening 🙂


  3. Many of these boast an impressive collection of other people’s flies. A great place to replenish your fly boxes if you can reach them. 😉

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