Saturday’s Shoutout / Larimer’s Deschutes Nymph Rig, Feather & Fin, Jay Nicholas Saltwater Fly Tying 101

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We’re honored to have many loyal fly fishing professionals around the world, that take the time out of their busy schedules to follow and comment on Gink & Gasoline.

Tom Larimer, owner of Larimer Outfitters, is a veteran fly fishing stealhead and trout guide, spey casting instructor and hosted trips specialist. He’s a good example of the type of “high caliber professionals” that make up a significant portion of our G&G community. We can’t tell you enough how much we respect this man and what he brings to the fly fishing industry. If you haven’t visited the Larimer Oufitters website, we highly encourage you to check it out. It’s loaded with all kinds of great fly fishing information and it’s updated frequently. You’ll also find information about Tom’s fly fishing guide services and his international hosted trips.

This week, we showcase Tom Larimer’s “Nymph Rig for Deschutes Trout” a great fly fishing tips article, that’s sure to help you learn how to rig and fly fish big water more effectively with nymphs. When Tom shares his fly fishing knowledge, we listen. The man knows a thing or two about catching fish on the fly.


The Feather and Fin blog has proven to be a solid resource for keeping track of all the latest upland hunting and fly fishing articles published electronically across the world wide web. This week, we showcase a fly fishing lifestyle piece written by Spencer Knibbe (F&F editor), as he takes a minute to step away from his regular routine of highlighting other writers works, and talks about “Why He Fly Fishes.” As someone that enjoys the pursuit of bird hunting and fly fishing, I’ve enjoyed following the Feather & Fin website.

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When I first started following fly fishing blogs heavy seven or eight years ago, one of the first blogs that fully grabbed my attention and respect was The Caddis Fly “a.k.a” Oregon Fly Fishing Blog. I was blown away back then and still am for that matter, with the quality and consistency of their fly fishing posts, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’ve learned a great deal over the years following it. One area that The Caddis Fly really shines is it’s fly tying videos. Jay Nicholas, one of the blogs most active fly tiers, is a fly tying hero of mine.  He claims to have over fifty years of experience at the vise, and he knows how to tie everything under the sun. Recently, I ran across his Saltwater Fly Tying: Introduction post, and it was too well written and valuable to not to share with all of you. If you’ve been a big freshwater fly tier for years and you’re looking to now dive into tying saltwater flies, this article should be at the top of your list to check out.

Thank you to the The Caddis Fly: Oregan Fly Fishing Blog for all of your great content over the years. It hasn’t gone unnoticed or unappreciated. Cheers.

Keep it Reel,

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “Saturday’s Shoutout / Larimer’s Deschutes Nymph Rig, Feather & Fin, Jay Nicholas Saltwater Fly Tying 101

  1. Hey Kent
    Hey Louis
    Hey Mom

    I always really enjoyed Jay Nicholas’s fly tying videos. He is a great teacher and I have tied a few of his flies. I was not shocked to hear him say if you are in the pike, musky, bass game, then you have already made a transition from typical river trout stuff. I say “river trout” because if you haven’t caught a trout or steelhead in stillwater on a fly that is mostly in contact with the bottom…you should try it. Rainbows/steelhead love to chase flies along the bottom. I fish flats up north so I pay particular attention to salt flies actually because those are the best examples and I mean that because of the way they are fished..not necessarily the way the fly looks…thanks guys.

    • Sure am happy that someone is enjoying any of my videos. They are un-cut and un-rehearsed just trying to share a few of the things i have learned and trial and error too. Lately i have been fishing far larger flies in rivers after fishing big flies in the salt last summer, and finding river salmon and steelhead very receptive to giant flies. A big learning curve for me late in life. Best to you all. Jay

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