Saturday’s Shoutout / Jamie Rouse Podcast, and Hog Snare Streamer

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This week we give a shout out to Orvis for a great Podcast with fly fishing guide Jamie Rouse on winter trout fishing tactics. We then finish the shout out up with a couple fly fishing videos.


Orvis Podcast with Jamie Rouse


For those of you who haven’t heard of Jamie Rouse, he’s a veteran fly fishing guide with 20+ years of experience and runs his own outfitter in the Ozarks of Arkansas. He’s been named the Orvis Endorsed Guide of the Year twice in the past five years. That’s a feat very few will ever accomplish. I’ve never fished with Jamie, but have several friends who have, and they all tell me he’s one of the fishiest dudes and best guides they’ve ever been guided by. Thank you Tom Rosnbauer for doing a great job of interviewing Jamie and picking his brain on how he consistently catches trout during the winter. I picked up a few tips I’m going to put into practice.

Below is a short fly fishing video of proof Jamie Rouse and his guides know how to catch trout.

Fly Tying Video:  Rich Strolis’s Hog Snare Streamer

(Thank you Justin Pickett for bringing this video to my attention.) 

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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