Saturday Shoutout / When to Fish Alaska, Guide’s Plan of Attack & More

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This week’s Saturday shoutout I showcase four fly fishing articles that caught my eye this week. One’s helpful if you’re wanting to make that dream to trip Alaska but don’t know when to go. Another talks about when and why guides sometimes move to different locations, even when the fishing is hot. The other two, are well written articles that come from the author’s heart. I hope you all enjoy them and you have a great weekend. Thank you very much for tuning into Gink & Gasoline.

Fly Fishing Alaska, When’s the best time for you.


So you’ve finally made the decision to stop putting off that fly fishing trip to Alaska that you’ve been dreaming of for years. Good for you, now comes the tough decision of figuring out when will be the best time for you to book your trip so you get the full Alaskan experience. Deneki Outdoors, operator of Alaska West, provides a simple outline detailing angler opportunities for different times of the fishing season. It should help you make your decision much quicker and feel confident about it.

Two Guides Debate, when to Fish and when to move on.


Marshall Cutchin, from Skiff Republic, writes an interesting article about the debate he had on the skiff recently with his saltwater flats guide. The topic in question, was when it’s best to stick around and fish or move on and find another location. It gives you a glimpse into the mind of fishing guides and why they choose to fish and not fish certain honey holes during the day. It encouraged me to chime in with a comment of my own. This isn’t a topic you don’t see brought up much, and that’s why I’m sharing it with all of you.

True North Trout’s Take on Protecting our Valuable Resources


Brian Kozminski, from the blog True North Trout, provided us his two cents on why we should worry about protecting our valuable resources everywhere, not just in our backyard. I’ve been following Brian for a while now, he claims he’s not a good writer, but that’s just load of bull. Thanks Brian for taking the time to write this enjoyable read on a very important subject. We really are enjoying TNT. Keep up the good work.

MidCurrent – Brett Favre and Fly Fishing


MidCurrent brings us a wonderful article this week written by Dave Karczynski. Dave recounts a tough day fly fishing for smallies play by play, and tells how he was able to find success when no one else could by portraying himself like the football legend Brett Favre. This unique fly fishing article strengthens how important it is for fly fishers to never give up, no matter how tough the fishing conditions are.

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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