Saturday Shoutout / MichiganFly “Experience”

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This week we bring you some very wise words from on what draws fly fishermen to the sport and the magnificent memories and meaning that fly fishing brings to each of our lives. I finish every post I write on Gink & Gasoline with the words “Keep it Reel” and the article “Experience” that was recently published on MichiganFly, puts true meaning behind those words.

Do yourself a favor and take a couple minutes to read this wonderfully written fly fishing piece that inspired and moved me to the core. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and thank you for visiting Gink & Gasoline.

The fly fishing “Experience” by

Keep it Reel,

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / MichiganFly “Experience”

  1. To me a huge part of the joy of fishing is completely enjoying the place I am in while I am “there” both physically and spiritually. I have escaped the meaningless man made pressures and distraction of a self indulgent society and can appreciate what God has created.
    I rarely keep a fish and I don’t take pictures to memorialize my catches. I take my pleasure in the challenge of all that goes into making the catch, I smile at the frequent defeats when I am outsmarted, and I look forward with eager anticipation to the next time I can be “there.”

  2. Thanks Kent for the stirring reminder through this blog post. For everyone, a great path in life is to enjoy what comes every day rather than wishing for what might be or measuring a day against past experience or worse yet what others say the experience should be. For example: love your children for who they are and what they do rather than some idealized vision of what they might be. Fly fishing is a perfect vehicle for practicing that approach because every day on the water has the opportunity for aesthetic, educational or just plain fun outdoor experience notwithstanding catching a fish. It is easy to love every minute. That is why I am passionate about fly fishing.

  3. A great read ! I once read this: “Fishing is a bond that breakes all bounderies. God never made a more peaceful recreation that fishing”. When I was a kid,I would thumb trought the cabela’s catalog dreaming for hours about stalking giant whitetail deer or casting a fly rod on the most wonderful river you could ever think of. I think as we grow into adults we lose a little of our imagination that carried us to those wonderful places. The good news is we can still go back there! God bless

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