Saturday Shoutout / FinPusher, HatchMag & Skinny Water Culture

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This weeks Saturday Shoutout we spotlight two fly fishing reads, one from Finpusher, another from Hatchmag, and to round out things, a video from Skinny Water Culture about setting up SUPs for overnighters. Get on the water this weekend and enjoy some great fall fly fishing. Thank you for visiting Gink & Gasoline and have a great Saturday.


24 inches of slab heaven. Photo By:

Sometimes All You Can Do is Hit the “Reset” Button

Finpusher never fails to entertain me with its brilliant photography and writing. Even when I find myself burned out from fishing, Collin’s writing always finds away to refresh my fishing soul, raise my spirits, and motivate me to get up at the ass crack and get back on the water. This week, Collin Carlson writes a brilliant piece about a recent trip he took on one of his home waters hunting for big fish with streamers, and the big one that got away. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.



Chad Shmukler from wrote and informative piece this week, giving plenty of reasons why fly anglers should consider fishing Trout Beads over the traditional Glo Bug. I’ve got hundreds of beads of all sizes and colors left over from my stint back in 2006, guiding in Alaska and I’ll admit, I don’t break them out near enough. Check out the post and learn why Chad prefers fly fishing with trout beads.


Setting Up Your SUP for Fly Fishing Overnighters

I’ve been tinkering around with purchasing a SUP for the last few months. The only thing that’s stopped me from dropping the coin is the mixed reviews I’ve gotten from fly anglers who’ve fished from them. They either love them or hate them. Personally, I like the idea of learning how to use a new watercraft to fly fish from and it’s a nice bonus that it will help me drop a few pounds in the process.

Chris Lewis, from Skinny Water Culture, put together a really cool video that shows how he personally sets up his SUP for his fly fishing and overnight camping trips. Watch it and you’ll learn how to get the most out of your SUP and trick it out.

Keep it Reel,

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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