This is not your average Monday.
Today we start something new and exciting. Starting today you will be hearing some new voices on G&G. Good friends and exceptional anglers. Guys who have dedicated their lives to fly fishing. Guys who understand what G&G is all about.
Nothing could make me happier than to begin my good friend Johnny Spillane. I could gush about what a bad ass and general great guy Johnny is for a couple of thousand words, but he would hate it. He’s too modest a guy. So, instead I’ll let him introduce himself. If you want more, check him out on Wikipedia.
Introduction by Johnny Spillane
I went through a small transition recently.
For the last 15 years I was a professional skier, competing at the Olympic level. I participated in the 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010 winter Olympic games. I was a Nordic Combined skier, (look it up if you want, this is a fishing blog) but I’ve always had a passion for fly fishing. I started fishing the same time I started skiing. Fishing, hunting and the outdoors have always been a big part of my life and I’d like to think that I’m almost as good a fisherman as I am a skier. I retired from skiing last spring and the opportunity came up to purchase a local fly fishing shop and outfitting business in Steamboat Springs. I’ve always had a passion for the industry so I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve been guiding since 2002 and have always enjoyed the challenge of getting people into fish; it’s a special experience to help both beginners and experts tie into big trout.
I was born and raised in Steamboat Springs, CO. We have two fantastic rivers within easy reach; the Yampa River flows right across the street from my shop and the Elk River is located about 10 minutes from downtown. These are incredibly fertile waters and we have the opportunity to catch fish over 20 inches everyday. We are pretty damn lucky to live in a place like this.
You might be wondering, how did a skier/fly fishing guide/shop owner get involved with G&G? In 2010, after the Olympics in Vancouver, I was fortunate enough to be invited to go fish Andros South with lodge owner Andrew Bennett. Andrew is a Nordic skiing fan, and he knew I was a fisherman, so he extended an invitation to me and of course I had to go. Andrew was nice enough to invite my brother as well, so the two of us hopped on a plane and before we knew it we were in the Bahamas chasing bonefish.
Due to all of my time traveling for skiing, I’ve had the opportunity to fish all over the world. I’ve fished in Norway, Finland (with Enzio Rapala, which in itself is a whole different story), the Czech Republic, France, Austria, Germany, Italy, Iraq (from the steps of Saddam Hussein’s palace), Canada, The Bahamas, Alaska, Belize, Mexico, Hawaii, and Japan as well as countless other rivers and lakes in the States. BUT my time at South Andros is by far and away the best fishing trip I’ve ever been on and it wasn’t because of the fishing. Yes, the fishing was awesome, but the reason the trip was so special was because of the people I met. Andrew collected a group of writers and bloggers to come down and see what his lodge was all about and I was fortunate to be included in their group.
Andrew also invited this crazy photographer named Louis. Louis and I hit if off quickly. We share a similar philosophy about fishing which is: fishing is supposed to be fun and EVERYONE HAS FUN IN DIFFERENT WAYS. There is no right or wrong way to fish, the important thing is that you enjoy what you are doing and that you respect the quarry you pursue. While not all agree with us, the reality is, we really don’t care. We are passionate about what we do and we are dedicated to our crafts. Plus Louis is funny as hell so it’s impossible not to like him.
Since that day I have always stayed in touch with Louis and like most of you, devour the content that G&G produces. I will be working with G&G in the future providing some content for the site. My focus will mainly be on trout fishing, but I will also provide some insight on the fly fishing industry, its attitudes and some good old fashioned fishing stories. I’m looking forward to this new challenge (I’m not a writer) but I am excited to share my experiences with you and hear your feedback. Thanks for the opportunity Louis.
Tight lines,
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This sounds like an exciting way to take an already great newsletter and make it even better. Way to go guys I look forward as I always do to the next issue of G&G.
Welcome to the blog Johnny, I look forward to reading your posts.
Great choice, Louis. Johnny Spillane is a proven winner and a leader. Sounds like a cool guy too. I look forward to his input.
excellent. Can’t wait for more.
Sweet. I don’t know how Louis and Kent have kept the content so consistently strong, each and every day. Impossibly hard. Adding a new voice to the mix shakes things up and gives the boys a little breathing room; things that are big wins for us all.
Welcome Johnny.
i was teaching fly fishingand told the group that when a released trout turns belly up–just reach out with your rod tip and andtouch the fin and roll him over.he will recover and swim away.they will be able to breath when they are up right.
Right on topic larry!
Awesome! As a fly fisher and first wave Birkie skier, welcome Johnny!
Johnny is a stud. I’m a huge skier and a big fan of his. Awsome to find out he is a fisherman as well.
Thanks for the support guys! We are very excited.