Fish the Bahamas with the Boys From G&G!

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There’s Gonna’ Be A Whole Lot Of This! All Photos by Louis Cahill

That’s right, you can get in on the Gink!

Experience the worlds best bonefishing, learn the ropes of saltwater fly fishing and improve your fly fishing photography, all while enjoying the company of the G&G community!

For us, the news doesn’t get any bigger.

The last year has been amazing! There’s no way I can overstate how pleased Kent and I have both been with the reception that Gink and Gasoline has received from the angling world. We are simply overwhelmed and deeply grateful. Thanks to you all!

The best part by far is the quality of our readers. We know from your comments and emails that you are a passionate and inclusive group. We have been amazed to find G&G to be immune to the kind of hateful rhetoric that is so common on the web. You are indeed a classy bunch.

We feel like we have discovered a community of like-minded anglers and friends. We want to engage with that community in a new and more personal way, and what better way than a fishing trip!

We are excited to announce our first ever Gink and Gasoline fishing trip. We have set aside the week of January 26th thru February 2nd to host ten anglers at the Andros South Bonefish Lodge.

We are committed to making this a hosted trip like no other. In addition to the world’s best bonefishing, beautiful Bahamian flats and awesome food and drink, we will be teaching a bonefish 101 primer, fly tying clinic and I will conduct a fly fishing photography workshop for the shutterbugs.

The focus is on fun and fishing. This is a great trip for anglers of all skill levels. Newbies will learn the ins and outs of bonefishing and experienced anglers will get a shot at the biggest bones the Bahamas has to offer. No egos and no attitudes. Just good times and great fishing.

Here are a few of the reasons you don’t want to miss this trip!

• The World’s Best Bonefishing
South Andros is hands down my favorite place to fish. I have never had a bad day.

• Learn To Fish The Salt
There is no better place to learn the skills needed for successful saltwater fly fishing. If you’re new to the salt you can take advantage of the abundance of eager bonefish to dramatically shorten the learning curve for skills like strip setting, fish spotting, making successful presentations and quick casting.

• Great Guides
The guides at Andros South are the best on the island. Most of them have been with the lodge for over ten years. They know the water and they know how to put anyone on bonefish.

• Extra Education
Want to learn to tie bonefish flies, work on your casting, take photos like a pro, make a great cocktail? All of the above? Kent and I will do our best to share what we know and help you meet your goals.

• A Great Lodge
Andros South provides a great experience for all. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. The food is great and the bar is well stocked and it’s all included in the price. That’s right, no paying for drinks and the bar is open 24/7. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating. You step off the boat and hand your gear off to Vado, the driver, and it’s washed, transported and put back in your hand the next morning ready to fish. Rooms are single occupancy, there’s wifi and a Skype phone to call home. You will not want to leave.

• Great Value
Six days of fishing and seven nights of fun plus all you can eat and drink and the extra workshops for $4375. That’s hard to beat. I probably save close to a grand on the bar tab alone.

• Get In On The Gink
We see it as our job to live the dream and share it with our fans. Well, isn’t it about time you got in on the fun? Don’t just read about the adventure, live it and let us help. We want to see your smiling face on Gink and Gasoline!

• Good Times and New Friends
G&G followers are a great bunch of guys! Whether it’s sharing a day on a skiff or hanging out at the tiki hut with a drink in your hand and your toes in the sand, odds are you will be in fine company. Many of the guys I fish with regularly and now call my good friends, I met at Andros South. I can not measure the richness these good people have added to my life. I hope you will be one of them.

So How Do I Get In On The Fun?

I’m glad you asked. Just email us at and we will be happy to answer any question and get you all the info you need to get booked. I can’t wait to see you in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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