Saturday Shoutout / SCOF Magazine & Global FlyFisher

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This weeks Saturday shoutout we encourage everyone to check out the new Southern Culture on the Fly issue, it’s rockin. I also give a shoutout to the Global Fly Fisher website, for it’s insane amount of fly fishing multi-media content for all types of fly fishing.

Southern Culture On the Fly

SCOF issue #4 kept me glued to my computer chair and entertained completely as I scrolled through the pages cover to cover. Veteran smokey mountain fly fishing guide, Ian Rutter writes a influential piece on why we should fly fish small wild trout streams more. Capt. Joel Dickey provides us with a very important article on Tarpon fishing and rigging, while Ryan Dunne talks southeastern carp on the fly. You get some musky video love, there’s a full serving article about redfishing, and much, much, more from other talented writers and tiers. But what I enjoyed most of all as usual, was Dave Grossman’s unique writing. His article, “Nothing Good Happens after 11am” had me busting a gut laughing all the way through. I’m not a dude that loves reading. I do it mostly for gathering information, but I have to say his writing style makes me enjoy reading because it’s so damn entertaining. If you’re not already a loyal S.C.O.F follower, this is a great issue to get you hooked. On a side note, I also need to give his partner Steve, props for his witty design work, which compliments Grossman’s writing perfectly. I respect Steve’s artistic style and courage to be different.

Global FlyFisher

Is the unbearable heat getting to you? Are you tired of the crowds and just feel like sitting around the house snacking, sipping on a cold beer, and learning about fly fishing? If the answer is yes, I recommend you check out the Global FlyFisher website, which is guaranteed to keep you occupied all day long about all aspects of fly fishing. I’m ashamed to admit that I just recently stumbled upon this fly fishing website, but I expect to make up for it by giving it plenty of my attention in the future.

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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