Sunday’s Classic / DIY Bug Sampling Net for 2 Bucks

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Putting the Paint Strainer to work. Photos By: Louis Cahill

Man, I love my $2 paint strainer from Home Depot.

I’m a big believer in aquatic bug sampling on the water. It has saved the day for me  guiding numerous times. Eighteen years ago, Angling Designs won a tackle dealer show award for its “Quick Seine Net“, specifically designed for instant bug sampling on the water. It’s an ingenious product, but I can’t use it because it won’t fit over my big guide net. Searching for a fix, I found myself standing in the paint section at Home Depot staring at a 5-gallon paint strainer thinking, hmmm “this should work and it’s only 2 bucks”. I’ve carried this inexpensive piece of gear on the water with me ever since, and I love it.

If you’re looking for a cheap DIY bug sampler, go to your local hardware store and pick one of these up. They usually come in a 2 to 3 pack so you can keep an extra for yourself and give one to your buddy.

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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9 thoughts on “Sunday’s Classic / DIY Bug Sampling Net for 2 Bucks

  1. Thanks for the post. I picked up some of these the other day and they fit perfectly on my net. I haven’t had a chance to use them in the water but, saved me a few bucks. Thanks!!!

    • Jesse,

      That’s great to hear. It’s a cheap piece of gear, that lasts a very long time and takes up very little space. Thanks for the comment. It’s cool to hear people are going out and getting some of these.


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