Saturday Shoutout / Keep ‘em Wet Photo Tips

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As anglers who love fly fishing we have a responsibility to the fish.

Catch and release fly fishing is a subject dear to my heart. Most fly anglers understand the importance of using best practices when handling fish. Lately the slogan “keep ‘em wet” has been everything from a hashtag to a battle cry. We all know that fish are best off when left in the water, but how do you get a good photo of a nice fish when you’re by yourself?

This great video on will show you how to get great looking photos of your fish and keep ‘em wet the whole time.


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / Keep ‘em Wet Photo Tips

  1. Being a resident of the pacific nw I am deeply attuned to the preservation of this great sporting resource, I don’t even touch the fish unless absolutely necessary, using one of these quick release devices and becoming proficient with the device does the job efficiently for this fly angler, in the ecological realm of things these wonder ful beasts are on loan to us for a short period of time, we must take good care of them so that future generations may enjoy the sport of fly fishing …

  2. I would encourage all who value our fish to contact every editor of print & online fishing magazines to print ONLY those photographs of fish in the water & no hero shots. If the editors hear it enough, we may have an impact.

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