And The Winners Are…

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An Amazing Photo by Reuben Browning

An Amazing Photo by Reuben Browning

The results are in for the 2014 Gink and Gasoline Fly Fishing Photography Contest.

Clearly, our readers stayed busy with both fly rods and cameras in 2013. We had so many amazing entries this year. I am so glad that I did not have the difficult job of judging all of this great work. You guys rock!

And the winners are!

1st place goes to Reuben Browning

For this amazing photo of a free swimming rainbow trout. Great work Reuben! Enjoy that new Echo 590-4 fly rod, you’ve earned it!

An Amazing Photo by Reuben Browning

An Amazing Photo by Reuben Browning

Second place goes to Joel Dickey

For this beautiful underwater view of the silver king. Joel gets the awesome Fishpond boat bag.

Photo Joel Dickey

Photo Joel Dickey

Third place goes to Stu Hastie

For the Double Rainbow. Stu finished first last year and that MFC reel was his prize. Nice work Stu! You’ll be casting like a pro with your new RIO Perception fly line!

Photo Stu Hastie

Photo Stu Hastie

I’d like to thank Echo, Fishpond and RIO for their generous support of the G&G 2014 Fly Fishing Photography contest. Without your help it could not happen.

Most of all, I’d like to thank everyone who submitted photos! You guys continue to blow me away with your talent and passion for fly fishing. Keep up the great work and we’ll see what you’ve been up to in 2015!

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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20 thoughts on “And The Winners Are…

  1. Wow all of those photos are really cool. But I have to say, you got the winner right. Reuben’s is one of the coolest photos that I’ve ever seen. A lot of things have to go right to get a shot like that! Kudos to everyone!

    • Thanks for all the comments folks. Yeah, I’m keen to share the story behind that shot of mine sometime. Like all of you, I’d love to hear the story behind Reuben’s shot. Such a beautiful sharp image, so cool, and I’d love to know how Joel’s shot was lit. Beautiful light!

  2. That has got to be one of the most impressive photos I have seen of the free swimming Rainbow! All are very good and the photographers should all be proud! Great job fellows! God bless

  3. Joel “Big Nasty” Dickey has an eye for the glass lens. Always good stuff and excellent guide. P.S. I pulled the “Big Nasty” out of my butt. Hes not really called that. Or is he? Haha! Take care fellers and awesome submissions…

  4. Can you convince Reuben to make a poster of that photo? If so, my order is in. Really beautiful, capturing both the trout an its environment in a unique way.

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