The Checkered Flag Has Flown in The Fly Shop 500!

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checkered-flagThe votes are in and you, the G&G readers, have picked the Fly Shop Of The Year!

It’s January 1st 2015 and the Fly Shop 500 has come to a blazing close. The competition was hot and heavy all the way to the finish line, with roughly 7000 votes cast! We are thrilled with the response, the enthusiasm of our readers and the choice you have made.

Although every fly shop in the US was invited to enter free of charge or obligation, not all shops did. I feel 100% confident however, that the outcome is spot on. As I have gotten to know more about the contenders, it’s become clear that the cream has risen to the top. So many absolutely great shops entered, but only one can be the best. I just glad that you had to choose and not me!

We are proud to announce that the winner of the Gink and Gasoline Fly Shop 500 and Fly Shop of the Year is…

Schultz Outfitters! Of Ypsilanti MI.  Shultz


Congratulation guys! You worked hard for this title and you deserve it. It’s a big deal, and not because we say so but because your fans do!



Mike Schultz

It’s clear from the out pouring of support that Schultz fans or a passionate bunch who love their fly shop. From what I’ve seen, there’s a lot to love. We hope you will be hearing from the boys at Shultz Outfitters here on G&G from time to time. They are a talented bunch with an amazingly unique and diverse fishery they are eager to share.

Visit them online!


I’d like to personally thank everyone who participated in The Fly Shop 500. Everyone who voted, everyone who shared and especially those of you who chose to like our Facebook page. If you haven’t, now is a good time. There a whole other party going on there every day.

Most of all I’d like to thank the awesome fly shops who competed. The whole purpose of the is contest has been to honor you. The guides and the guys behind the counter who do so much for all of us every day. You guys make the fly fishing world go round. You, more than anyone else, educate, introduce and inspire new anglers and old.

On New Years Day our hats are off to you gentlemen.

The fly shops of America. Long may they stand!


With that in mind, here are the top ten finalist in the 2014 Fly Shop 500.

#1 Schultz Outfitters – Ypsilanti, MI

#2 The Fly Stop – Jolla, CA

#3 Mossy Creek Fly Fishing – Harrisonburg, VA

#4 Driftless Angler – Viroqua, WI

#5 West Branch Angler – Hancock, NY

#6 Dally’s Fly Shop – Cotter, AR

#7 Charlie’s Fly Box – Arvada, CO

#8 Cohutta Fishing Company – Cartersville, GA

#9 Trouts Fly Fishing – Denver, CO

#10 Royal Treatment Fly Shop – West Linn, OR

Any one of these great shops would be worth a visit if you’re in their area!

Happy New Year from Gink and Gasoline!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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7 thoughts on “The Checkered Flag Has Flown in The Fly Shop 500!

  1. The Schultz folks do a great job promoting fly fishing. They never hold back sharing information. A well stocked shop with friendly staff and professional guides. Nice to see a Michigan shop on top!

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