Sunday Classic / New Treatment for Casters Elbow

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Work It Baby Photo by Louis Cahill

Ok, it tennis elbow but it might as easily be casters elbow.

If you’ve spent much time on the cork end of a fly rod you’ve felt that burning in the elbow. Probably while you were fighting a big fish. That’s when it usually gets me. This came up while fishing with a friend who like me plays guitar pretty regularly. When combined with a couple of days a week fishing it’s a recipe for pain and suffering.

I did some research and came across a new gadget for the treatment of tennis elbow that’s pretty effective. It’s called Flex Bar. It would be tedious to explain how to use it but this video, although goofy as hell, gets it across. It’s pretty simple. You can buy one of these online for $15 or so but I made my own by cutting off a piece of a foam pool noodle from Wal-Mart. You have enough foam left over to tie some stupid big Chernobyls in crazy colors. If you do, please send photos.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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5 thoughts on “Sunday Classic / New Treatment for Casters Elbow

  1. I suffered from this for over as year, same thing as tennis elbow. Mine never bothered me casting, just the action of seeing God when nymphing and during fish. I tried everything but nothing seemed to help. Rest it is what everyone tells you but we all know that isn’t going to happen. A guide in NC taught me a trick that I’m convinced sped up the healing proces. Take a thick rubber band, like the ones you get when you buy broccoli or asparagus. Touch all your finger tips together – including your thumb, put the rubber band around them then open and close your hand. Do this often during your spare time, it strengthens the muscle/tendon near your elbow that is torn. I’m sure it’s the same effect that this product has but thiers doesn’t come with delicious veggies as a bonus.

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  3. As a classic wet fly fisherman I favor slow rods that bend deep — those out of favor rods that unfurl a team of wet flies on a straight leader from a wide loop. In twenty-some odd years of fly fishing I’ve never had a some elbow, shoulder or anything bothersome from days or weeks of fishing.

    I know you young guys love these new fast rods, but for the life of me, when I watch guys on stream wailing away with these newfangled beat sticks I’ve always thought, “where is the pleasure in that?”

    Thank you for keeping the rods I love cheap. I’d say “I feel your pain” but I don’t.

    Long live IM6 – the zen of pleasure.

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